What's Happening at the Library

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ABCmouse is
now available for free on the library computers and WiFi

Be sure to check
out our
Calendar or information about all our events!
the Library
Moomau-Grant County Public Library currently houses approximately
45,000 books. We also have DVDs, audio books and over 40
magazines available. You can research our local history
in our genealogy room; which includes the Grant County
Press on microfilm and dates back to 1896. We also offer
a children's library, and a media center with 4 patron access computers. The library supports our
patrons with an abundance of services such as Notary, Fax, Copy, free Wi-Fi and 2 Workforce WV
stations. Don't forget to visit our branch, Allegheny
Mt. Top Public Library located in Mt. Storm, WV. Click
to visit their website.
To learn more about our beautiful County visit the
Grant County Courthouse